Mar 18, 2021 | Ania Garcia Llorente, Essay, Nightingale, Uncategorized
What if we imagined what we usually call “healing” as “building” or “rebuilding?” Ania Garcia suggests and analyzes this shift in language by imagining survivors as architects. She highlights important concepts of inside and outside...Feb 4, 2021 | Memoir, Nightingale, Shantha Bunyan, Uncategorized
When we’re brought to city of Amman, Jordan with Shantha Bunyan, we’re briefly wrapped up in all the details, small and large, that make up moments of her daily life there. There’s a clear sense of place, and as we learn about something as simple as...Dec 10, 2020 | Ania Garcia Llorente, Nightingale, Review, Uncategorized
Survivors and those who have experienced physical trauma can have a unique relationship with physical art. As an intern with Awakenings and an artist in her own right, Ania Garcia uses her perspective on intersecting art forms and narratives to offer in-depth analysis...Nov 12, 2020 | Aishah Shahidah Simmons, Interview, Nightingale, Uncategorized
When survivors can turn to loved ones with the truth of what they experienced and be met with love and trust, they can then work together to foster accountability and ensure the problem is never repeated. Everyone involved has an opportunity to heal. Love WITH...Oct 29, 2020 | Essay, Letter, Megan Otto, Nightingale, Op Ed, Uncategorized
An editorial with Megan Otto Language, Education, and Trauma: a Bloom Editorial Our understanding of sex and sexuality is muddled when we don’t have the tools that we need to talk about our experiences. In our society, the conversation about sexuality after trauma...Sep 17, 2020 | Jennifer Shneiderman, Memoir, Nightingale, Uncategorized
Our earliest discoveries of violence often hold a unique gravity in our memories. In this burst of awareness, Shneiderman comes face to face with the vast potential of a man’s abuse of power over herself as a young girl. With rich details and characterization of...