Nov 7, 2019 | Journal Entry, Katherine Page, Memory Piece, Nightingale, Other, Prose, Uncategorized
In response to our October prompt, Katherine Page returns to a piece of writing that is distinctly connected to her past experience with sexual violence-a journal entry. By focusing on changing just a few words from the entry, she is able to reach back across time to...May 30, 2017 | Journal Entry, K. Guidi
2015 – Happy New Year, the year I decided would be the year I told any man I felt deserved it “To go fuck themselves,” this was my empowerment. My voice was and has been changed forever, forgive, and forget, no one ever forgets the memory of an abuser; the abuse...Apr 28, 2017 | Jeff King, Journal Entry
Journal Entry by Jeff King 8/31/15 April 1, 2012 is a date that will resonate with me for the rest of my life. My family and I had just returned from a week-long spring break trip to Florida. We were getting ready to get back to our regular work and school schedules...