1. my father could lift me up and put me on his shoulders

my father can’t lift me up and put me on his shoulders

my father can’t fit me on his shoulders

i’m grounded

feet stay planted

no going out all weekend

no digging out on your knees amongst the weeds

no second story high second landing


janie says we’re all low this winter

my dad tells me to take better care of myself

i take better care myself

better take care myself

2. take care

can’t let go of it

that rot seeps in

got floorboards in your childhood home?

i got more literal

the older i get the more childish i am

meaning i cry louder and stand my ground

so you can put me to bed less easily

but you can tell when i’m lying.

i lie down.

3. men smell blood like sharks

some men eat sharks

i’m a vegetarian living in the midwest

i ate ’em all

keep moving just to stay alive

do sharks ever find their passion?

are they just moving ’cause it’s a thing to do?

4. i was wanted

not from want

i don’t want anything

problem and solution

5. there’s a thing i won’t say here out loud

and my god, does it make me happy

to not hear you too

6. moratorium on morgues and sing alongs

heard my song on the radio

it told me keep singing

i don’t like my voice but

the silence is what swallows you whole