Why I Didn’t Report

Harty asks the same question again and again, with a new answer each time. Why I didn’t report? “There are too many reasons.” Through writing that is open, gentle, and direct, Harty examines years of his own silence after experiencing childhood...

Other Me’s Request

Trauma has left us between times and worlds. In a response to our May prompt, “Other Me’s Request” experiments with time as we follow “Me” and “Other me” through an experience of childhood sexual violence. The two versions of our protagonist represent the common...

No Seconds

A chance encounter leads to a reckoning with the past in “No Seconds” by RW Anton. When someone from years ago happens upon the main character in a hotel lobby, our protagonist is presented with a choice to either allow or deny past pain to reenter their life. Through...

What’s Happening?

A lack of consent is a betrayal of trust–especially from supposed friends–and it can alter not only one’s relationship with those people, but one’s whole self and life. An event like this leads to irreversible change, but writing about it in a...